Did ADHD Cause My Shopping Addiction?
For many, the word 'addiction' conjures images of substance abuse or other taboo behaviours. It's not a term we readily apply to our own actions. Would you be comfortable admitting to an addiction, or does the idea seem laughable to you? The Cambridge Dictionary defines addiction as 'an inability to stop doing or using something, especially harmful'. Years ago, I would have scoffed at the idea that my shopping habits were problematic. It took a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder to open my eyes to the harm I was causing myself. It has been a journey of emotional turmoil, forcing me to confront the years of damage I had inflicted by my chosen method of therapy. I can now confidently and unashamedly say that I have a shopping addiction.
Susty Travels: 96 Hours In Amsterdam.
I didnt think i would be a fan of city breaks but i decided to be a bit more open to them since i started travelling again post covid. Check out what i got up to in Amsterdam and see if it swayed my opinion…
Do You Really Have To Pay Tax Selling On Vinted or Ebay?
HMRC announced that they would expect reselling apps such as Vinted, Depop and eBay to share information about how much their users are making. Understandably, it has led to panic as people wonder if they will have to pay taxes just for selling their unwanted stuff.
Would you Ring In The New Year In a Secluded, Sustainable Cabin? I Did!
Most people think of New Year's Eve as a time to party and be somewhere that’s full of life. Not me. I usually spend my NYE at home, and I love it. but I thought I’d change it up for 2024. I travelled an hour out of London to spend three nights in a Recabin in the Hertfordshire countryside, and I think I’ve started a new tradition…
SUSTYISH: Wrap Up Christmas, Plastic Free.
The UK uses 227,000 miles of wrapping paper in the festive period every year. We also use enough card material to stretch between London and Lapland OVER 100 TIMES! We also send 114,000 tonnes of plastic packaging to landfill. Are you ready to ditch the wrapping paper and use these sustainable alternatives instead? You might already have some in your house…
SUSTYISH: Have A Susty Little Christmas, The Ultimate Gift Guide.
More than 100 million bags of rubbish go to landfill each Christmas in the UK. £42 million worth of unwanted Christmas gifts also get chucked, so let’s have ourselves a susty little Christmas and get gifts that won’t end up in the bin!
Cruelty-Free Cosmetics: The Complete List.
This is the only guide you need to find cruelty-free beauty brands that are available in the UK. There is also a key to help you discover 100% vegan brands, those that are leaping bunny certified, and black-owned businesses. No Cruelty Allowed!
These Beauty Brands Test On Animals - Do You Use Any Of Them?
You might be shocked to learn that buying products in the UK doesn’t automatically mean they haven’t been tested on animals. Shamefully, you can get your hands on many brands that still subject animals to cruel and unnecessary tests in order to sell their products in countries such as China. Here’s a non-exhaustive list…
Susty Pants: Everyday Underwear That’s Good For The Planet and Your Privates.
Pants! We all wear thongs, boxers, full briefs, Brazilian, whatever your style. Before I quit fast fashion, I was very much a “five thongs for £1.50 at Primark”, and whilst I miss a bargain, I don’t miss the poor quality. Sustainable underwear is the best way to go, and before you get your knickers in a twist, I will explain why!
The Natural Deodorants That Actually Keep Me Fresh During Spin Class.
Natural deodorants often get a bad rap because there are quite a few bad ones on the market, so bad that you might as well be putting tap water on your pits; they’re so ineffective. I don’t think there’s one I haven’t tried, so I’ve done the stinky hard job of sifting through them and I have found the ones that actually work!
ADHD Is Not My Superpower But It's Not My Downfall Either.
“ADHD is a superpower” is all I kept seeing after getting my diagnosis. I don’t share the sentiment. It’s a debilitating, frustrating, life-altering condition. Believe it or not, I’m not bitter about it…
Poo, Fat and Anal Glands - What The Hell Is In Non-Vegan Perfume?
Did you know that most perfumes are made with animal secretions? It could be whale vomit to beaver’s anal glands but If you’d rather not spray THAT on your skin, this post will tell you what to look for & I share the vegan perfumes that always get me stopped in the street!
7 Reasons You Can’t Find Anything To Buy On Vinted.
Sick of seeing everyone else score gold buying second-hand clothes on vinted, whilst you can only find boring basics? Here are seven ways you could be hindering your success when digitally thrifting. Knowing how to use the app properly is not a given, but once you’ve implemented these hacks, your Vinted game will be more fruitful than ever.
I’m Almost Thirty, I Don’t Have a Friendship Group, and I’m Okay With That.
Making friends as an adult is not a skill you learn in college. Whilst many form lifelong bonds in their twenties, some of us haven’t found our ‘day ones’, our besties, or our group. Despite my job as an influencer involving being social, I am part of the latter group, and I want to talk about it.
Are Cruelty-Free Cosmetics The Future Of Beauty?
Switching to cruelty-free cosmetics helps end animal suffering in laboratory testing and promotes ethical and sustainable practices in the cosmetic industry. This guide will help make the switch easier by understanding what makes a product cruelty-free and discovering the best cruelty-free cosmetic brands on the market.
How To Break Up With Fast Fashion.
Are you feeling guilty about the environmental impact of your fashion choices? If so, it's time to break up with fast fashion. The good news is that switching to a more sustainable and ethical wardrobe doesn't have to be complicated or expensive, no really!
What I Learned When My Twenty Year Old Cat Passed Away.
Losing my best friend of 20 years made me question everything about how I lived my life. His passing made me feel guilty, but not in the way I expected.
Shopping Fast Fashion Mindfully, Is It Possible?
The terms sustainable and ethical fashion is becoming etched in all of our brains at the moment, but for many, there seems to be some confusion over the definitions. So here’s my rant on why you can’t indulge in the same shopping habits and call it slow fashion.