Did ADHD Cause My Shopping Addiction?
For many, the word 'addiction' conjures images of substance abuse or other taboo behaviours. It's not a term we readily apply to our own actions. Would you be comfortable admitting to an addiction, or does the idea seem laughable to you? The Cambridge Dictionary defines addiction as 'an inability to stop doing or using something, especially harmful'. Years ago, I would have scoffed at the idea that my shopping habits were problematic. It took a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder to open my eyes to the harm I was causing myself. It has been a journey of emotional turmoil, forcing me to confront the years of damage I had inflicted by my chosen method of therapy. I can now confidently and unashamedly say that I have a shopping addiction.
Do You Really Have To Pay Tax Selling On Vinted or Ebay?
HMRC announced that they would expect reselling apps such as Vinted, Depop and eBay to share information about how much their users are making. Understandably, it has led to panic as people wonder if they will have to pay taxes just for selling their unwanted stuff.
SUSTYISH: Wrap Up Christmas, Plastic Free.
The UK uses 227,000 miles of wrapping paper in the festive period every year. We also use enough card material to stretch between London and Lapland OVER 100 TIMES! We also send 114,000 tonnes of plastic packaging to landfill. Are you ready to ditch the wrapping paper and use these sustainable alternatives instead? You might already have some in your house…
SUSTYISH: Have A Susty Little Christmas, The Ultimate Gift Guide.
More than 100 million bags of rubbish go to landfill each Christmas in the UK. £42 million worth of unwanted Christmas gifts also get chucked, so let’s have ourselves a susty little Christmas and get gifts that won’t end up in the bin!
How To Break Up With Fast Fashion.
Are you feeling guilty about the environmental impact of your fashion choices? If so, it's time to break up with fast fashion. The good news is that switching to a more sustainable and ethical wardrobe doesn't have to be complicated or expensive, no really!